OriginBit 指導之社創團隊成功獲取原型項目社創基金 (SIE Fund)

OriginBit 指導之社創團隊 V-Study 成功獲取創新園 (Innovator Farm) 的原型項目社創基金 (SIE Fund)。

The venture aims to provide STEAM education (an interdisciplinary approach to teaching that combines science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) for children with chronic diseases.

The venture will deliver courses in small classes, adopting augmented reality (AR)/ virtual reality (VR) technology and 360-degree visualized teaching material to make it easier for the children to acquire knowledge.

Besides, an online platform will be set up for after-class discussion. Children with chronic diseases will be able to meet new friends with a similar background and improve social skills through communicating with each other.

Coach Lead: Sam Lam @ OriginBit

More: https://www.sie.gov.hk/en/our-work/funded-ventures/detail.page?content=22820


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